final fall sale…mmmm

September 28, 2009

Stewartia psduocamellia

Is time running out for planting?  Well soon.  We recommend planting through mid-October.  Of course there is plenty of planting done past that date, but one must really be keen with watering, spraying evergreens with an anti-desiccant, wrapping burlap around sensitive evergreens, and mulching over perennials.  We recommend “mudding in”  new plantings.  After you dig the hole, place the plant in the hole, and water thoroughly- two or three times, before gradually filling in the hole with a soil/compost blend- water, fill, water, fill- until it’s just soggy.  This will get out any air pockets and fully saturate the root mass- aiding in overwintering.

So- here’s a final offer for the season- come on in and buy us out!

  • Perennials-30% Off
  • Conifers- 40% Off
  • Trees and Shrubs- 50% Off
  • Cast Stone Fountains, Pots, and Statuary- 25% Off
  • Glazed and Terra Cotta Pots- 25% Off
  • DeWitt Tools (we never do this)- 10% Off

Have fun and enjoy the beautiful fall weather!