Snowdrops under the contorted beech

It’s a late spring in the northeast, but we’re quickly catching up.  Two years ago hellebores and witchhazels were blooming in the 3rd week of March- and this year- they are two to three weeks behind that- still blooming now- and some just started!  The snow piles have depleted with some warm rains and it’s looking hopeful!

Here are some photos of what’s blooming now.

Helleborus purpurascens

Helleborus niger (Christmas rose)

Hamamelis Jelena (we think)

Chionodoxa labitica (Glory of the Snow)

Hamamelis Arnolds Promise

Hamamelis x intermedia Hiltingbury (we think)

Iris reticulata

iris histrioides Katherine Hodgkin

Crocus chrysanthus Cream Beauty

Crocus sieberi Tricolor"

Crocus chrysanthus Blue Pearl

Petasites japonicus giganticus Variegatus

Erica carnea cultivar (Heath)

Pulmonaria- self-seeded. First to show color this spring.


Luckily, this picture shows what Rocky Dale looks like in the depth of winter- beautiful- but enough of the snow now- we want spring…


and this is what it’s looking like now.



One of the early signs of spring is the snowdrops that cover the grounds at Rocky Dale.  They’re just starting to open up now, even though some parts of the garden still have a foot of snow left on them.



The Hamamelis are starting to bud up too.  They should be in full flower within a week or two.